Dentists at emergency dental clinics discuss reasons when extraction of tooth becomes necessity

When one is going through a nasty problem related to the teeth or the gums one may have to visit an emergency dentist. These problems may range from uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth which results from a dental trauma, unbearable pain to a fractured tooth. There can be many other issues as well that could land one in the office of an emergency dentist. In easier words any condition related to the mouth that makes one suffer from severe pain is a case of emergency dentistry. Such problems obviously require immediate solution and relief.

There was a time when visiting a dentist itself was a quite scary task. Dentistry back in those days was painful for patients by every standard. But those times are long gone. Thanks to powerful and effective sedations that have evolved lately, modern dentistry is much painless compared to that of the past. But that fear is still there to some extent or the other. In this circumstance the term “emergency dentist” often proves to be misleading as well as fearful. 

It is important to note that the task of an emergency dentist is not much different to that of a doctor who manages the Emergency Room (ER) of any hospital. The responsibilities of an emergency dentist can be summed up as following –

  • Save or restore the teeth
  • Minimise the damage received by the teeth and the gums
  • Provide fast relief to patients from terrible pain and discomfort 

Oral health practitioners who work in emergency dental clinic in London or anywhere else even have to perform emergency tooth extraction in certain cases. What leads them to it? Let us explore that in the following paragraphs.

When is an emergency tooth extraction required?

In certain cases emergency tooth extraction becomes necessary. The cases that often lead to this particular procedure include –

  • Fractured tooth or teeth
  • Decayed tooth
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Periodontal infection or gum disease
  • Impacted tooth or teeth

Now let us get into the details of each of the conditions.

  • Fractured tooth or teeth

The teeth may suffer from fracture because of several reasons. It can be because of an accident or trauma. Clenching of the teeth is also a major cause that leads to fractured tooth or teeth. This problem usually occurs when you are sleeping and in dental terms it is called bruxism. Even when the teeth do not fit with each other may easily get fractured from the force of biting on foods. A fractured tooth placed below the gum line needs to be extracted as fast as possible.

  • Decayed tooth

When decay in a tooth reaches a level beyond any repairing the tooth extraction procedure becomes necessary. When decay sets in a tooth basically harmful bacteria infiltrate that tooth. Gradually these bacteria reach the pulp of the tooth causing an infection. Filling and root canal are the procedures for standard tooth decay. But when a decay results in severe infection of the tooth dentists have to extract the tooth in such cases. This extraction prevents further spreading of the infection to damage more teeth.

  • Periodontal disease or gum infection

Periodontal disease is all about an infection that affects the gums and the periodontal ligaments as well as many other structures of the teeth like the alveolar bone. The initial stages of this dental issue are called gingivitis. According to dentists working in one of the best emergency dental care clinics in London as the infection becomes more and more severe with the passing of days when left ignored and untreated the internal parts of the mouth slowly becomes affected by it.   

In fact extraction of the tooth or teeth becomes the most viable option in these cases when the infection spreads to the periodontal ligaments or the alveolar bone. Without tooth extraction it is not possible to stem the infection and provide recovery to these patients. However it is possible to prevent being a victim of periodontal disease by ensuring there is no plaque build-ups on the teeth and the gums every single day. Proper brush and floss the teeth and use basic fluoride toothpaste to avoid periodontal infection. 

  • Impacted tooth or teeth

The teeth that somehow fail to erupt or come out fully through the gum structure are called impacted tooth. This usually happens because of any blockage present within the gum structure. Basically this is also the case with the wisdom teeth. In these cases dentists prefer extracting the teeth. This prevents any further deterioration of the matter and coming up of greater complexities. Moreover tooth extraction in these cases ensures the other teeth nearby are not damaged because of the impacted tooth or teeth.

One of the common causes of tooth extraction is the problem of overcrowding. Impacted wisdom tooth results in severe pain and discomfort. So you must visit a dentist without any delay and get the tooth extracted. Highly trained and experienced dentists who provide urgent dental care in London have something to say on the present context. According to them an impacted tooth usually does not pose immediate problems. However such tooth is prone to get infected. Thus you could develop tooth decay, gum disease or decay in the tooth more easily than the rest of the teeth.

In some cases, impacted teeth may not develop immediate problems, but they are more prone to getting an infection, gum disease, and decaying compared to other teeth. Under no circumstances you mouth should not have more teeth than it can accommodate. 

  • Overcrowding of the teeth

There is a saying – you should not eat more than what you can digest. The same goes for the teeth. There is actually no point in having more teeth than what your mouth can fit in. If there are more teeth in the mouth than what it can hold the condition is then called teeth overcrowding explains a dentist working at the Emergency Dentist London Pro. The extra teeth need to be extracted in such cases. Otherwise it may damage the jaws badly. Moreover this condition is also known to trigger gum infection of periodontal disease. The problem may also lead to crooked teeth when the extra teeth compete with one another to fit in the crunched space it can manage. This puts the other teeth out of their proper position on the jaw line. The best way to tackle the problem of overcrowded teeth is to have the extra teeth extracted.

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